How to select paint colours

How to select paint colours?


Melissa Lunardon:

Hi, my name's Melissa Lunardon, and thanks for tuning into another episode of Design Talk TV.

Melissa Lunardon:

Today, I wanted to talk to you about paint colors and how you can choose them with confidence. There are many shades of white out there, but I want to simplify it for you and put them into two categories. Warm whites and you have cool whites. Warm whites are great for those interiors where you don't get a lot of natural light so you want to create a room that's very warm and inviting. Colors such as Dulux natural white, beige royal, and China white are great for those sorts of interiors. If you're after a cool white, you may have a room that has excessive amounts of natural white, or you may want to create an interior that's very minimal and contemporary.

Melissa Lunardon:

Colors such as Dulux vivid white and Lexicon are great for those rooms. If you have beautiful architraves, you may have detailed [inaudible 00:01:01] or doors, using a crisp white can really make them a focus point. Paint samples or testers are a great way to see how the paint colors can work in your room. I would recommend getting some test pots and paint them in a big area on your wall, just to get an idea on how the natural light can affect those colors. It's also important to see how your existing furniture and decor reacts to those colors. For more information, or for you to see my top eight favorite Dulux neutral colors, please visit my website at and you can download your free copy. Make sure to subscribe to Design Talk TV to be kept up to date with all my tips and interviews along the way. Thanks for joining in and have a great day. See ya.


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