


The big day has finally come and this year you will be hosting Christmas in your home. This is always a proud yet very daunting moment. People you love are coming over for one of the biggest celebrations of the year… Where do you even start?

We’ve put together our top 4 tips for hosting Christmas so you can sit back and enjoy your day with family and friends.

1. Set Up The Day Before

Christmas morning is for sitting in your PJs opening gifts and having brekky with your nearest and dearest. No one wants to be running around moving furniture and setting tables. So, we recommend doing everything the day before so you can enjoy your Christmas morning.

2. Ensure Your Home Is Festive

If you volunteered or have been nominated to host Christmas, decorations are a must. We are talking table settings, bon bons, Christmas colours and of course Christmas music… Did someone say Michael Bublé? Finally, ensure your tree is central in the house and has plenty of room around it for gifts.

3. Prepare Games

Nothing says an Aussie Christmas like backyard cricket! If you don’t have the space or couldn’t think of anything worse than playing cricket in the middle of summer prepare some games for around the table. Cards, trivia, or a gift exchange game to name a few. It’s one way to ensure everyone is having fun and the day is filled with laughter.

4. Allocate Tasks

Hosting Christmas is a huge responsibility so the least your guests could do is contribute to lunch. Be organised and allocate different dishes to each family. And don’t forget ice!

Remember it doesn’t have to be perfect! Christmas Day is about spending time with your loved ones and creating memories. If you burnt the potatoes or forgot cucumber for the salad, it’s ok! No one will even notice. Sit back and enjoy making memories.

Melissa Lunardon