


The lifestyle shift created by COVID-19 and lockdowns has reshaped how Australians are choosing to build and renovate their homes. From an increased focus on hygiene, to rallying against shrinking block sizes, the story of Australian architecture and design is taking a new turn.

With industry data showing that over 40% of home buyers have changed their preferences for their properties, interior design is rapidly adapting with a range of new trends influencing the homes of 2021. Here are 3 of them that are influencing design right now:


More spacious homes

The beginning of 2020 saw increased interest in more sustainable ‘micro homes’ and an acceptance of shrinking block sizes in metro areas. However, in less than a year, our homes took on new roles, including home schooling, work offices and gyms. Homeowners are subsequently looking for a home office or study nook, additional living spaces and separate retreats for privacy.

Rise in renovations

Home isolation is known to inspire renovation, as owners have time to reflect on potential improvements to their properties. Leading industry bodies are now expecting further growth in renovations, such as kitchen and bathroom updates. Additionally, without the ability to travel, bringing the holiday feeling to the home has become increasingly important. The idea of creating a sanctuary at home is not new, but it has certainly become a driving force in 2021.


Refreshing home exteriors

Homeowners want their properties to reflect their style. Many more experienced homeowners are realising that they can cost-effectively redefine their homes’ exteriors by re-cladding or with cladding features. Homes lacking architectural shape can be enhanced by varying lines, textures and colours. This can be achieved by incorporating a larger range of materials, providing literally endless design possibilities. This is perfect for people who have rediscovered their creative sides during lockdowns.

With lockdowns continually threatening our lifestyles, It is clear the home space is deemed increasingly important. Considerations such as fitness solutions for home, home entertainment, working-from-home business spaces and study-at-home education solutions are now paramount.

For more detail around these issues and lessons from lockdown, please read my Lessons From Lockdown blog post (find it at: https://www.melissalunardon.com/designtalktv) or read the July issue of The Design Journal (read it at: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/57d4ee16d2b85782f9b887d8/t/60f0f50ac9cf4d4000095ffb/1626404228521/TheDesignJournal_Edition1_16July2021.pdf)