


When bringing back a home’s former period glory, it must be restore sympathetically. Whether it is an extension or simply sprucing up the place, the heritage of the building must be respected— even the most simple ones.

We are the first to admit that Victorian houses can be a nightmare to renovate! Small mistakes can cost thousands and many people fall into the trap of thinking “the cheapest option will do”. Sadly, this can very efficiently serve to devalue a house quite significantly. When it comes to Victorian house renovation, do it once, do it right. Here are some tips to help.

Victorian Design

Victorian domestic architecture and design has an innate passion for ornamentation. Think ornaments on doorbells, windows and even gutters. Nowadays, these are the sought-after original features estate agents love. Victorians digested classic styles, such as Classic and Gothic, and regurgitated some of the most charming buildings in Australia. A bit wacky, a bit eccentric and always flamboyant. The opportunity to restore these beauties and bring the Victorian era into the modern age is an absolute privilege.


Take time to research and discover the history of the house. Once you know important details such as the year of construction or the architect, you can picture the house within its historical context. The Victorian era spans for over six decades, with design trends emerging and disappearing. So knowing the specific details will narrow down your options.

Respect The Period

If you have to replace architectural features always choose those that correspond to the right period. For example, the number of panels on a window, joinery details and fireplace style are all unique to their eras (Georgian, Victorian, Edwardian etc.) Don’t spend thousands on new windows only to find later that they’re the wrong style.

Let Go Of Perfection

Victorian houses are wonky. They always will be. You can re-plaster every wall for that sharp finish, but the windows are still different sizes and the rooms don’t have square angles. But that is okay. Don’t obliterate the weird and wonderful. Embrace it and make it a feature. A little crack in the ceiling is like a grey hair of wisdom.

Restore Original Features

Original features are closely linked to the value of the house so removing them may mean the value will decrease. Do your house a favour and repair or reinstate them. Keeping traditional architectural features is also a great way to maintain a home's distinctive character, giving huge personality and appeal. This will also will help limit the scope of work in renovation projects and assist in keeping budget in line. Giving a classic building a facelift and adapting it to serve new purposes is better for the environment than destroying it to start anew, as well as respectful of history.

Think Long-Term

What is the aim of your Victorian house renovation? Maybe you plan to do up the house and sell. Or extend to accommodate a growing family. Regardless of the final goal, think beyond trends. Invest money where the real value is. It's all about finding a happy medium and harmoniously blending the old with the new. The most successful renovations are the ones where the old and the new speak to each other by way of elements, scale, colour and materials. For instance, you might choose new materials in a contemporary design but match the scale of the old design and use the same colours.

Melissa Lunardon