


kitchen design ideas- melissa lunardon

So, here we are with the final piece of the renovation puzzle … getting the professionals (ie. the experts) involved in your renovation. If you’ve just joined us you will likely want to take a few steps back and catch up, and you can do that here where you’ll find parts 1, 2, and 3 of our Renovation Series.

Part-4: Getting the Professionals Involved in Your Renovation

5 reasons to hire an interior designer- melissa lunardon.png

Okay, you’ve considered your options and have decided what you’re going to renovate, you’ve come to a decision on how much you can afford to spend on this renovation, and you’ve worked out what you like and what’s your personal style. I’m sure you’ve had fun getting to part-4 … but there’s even more fun to come (and the immense satisfaction of a completed reno!).

Obviously, there are professionals that it is in your best interest (and in some cases a legal requirement) to get involved in any renovation project: builders or carpenters, tilers, roofers, painters, glaziers, bricklayers, plasterers, plumbers, and electricians.

The other professional that you are well advised to engage (or at the very least consult) is someone like me: a professional interior designer.

Why you might be wondering? After all, you’ve decided on a budget, you know what sort of fixtures and furnishings you want for your home so why can’t you simply book the trades and away you go?

Well, my friends, it’s because in the long run a professional interior designer can save you lots and lots of dollars! I am a qualified interior design professional with more than 12 years’ experience in ensuring that your renovation doesn’t go haywire, and that the result of all the hard work is a home that you love and will be proud of.

Need more convincing? Here are five top reasons why getting an interior design professional should be at the top of your list of priorities when planning a renovation:


1. You save money

Many renovators believe they can save more money, or at least stay within budget, if they go the DIY route. The reality is, that this is pretty much never the case! More often than not, DIY renovation projects top the allocated budget because of unforeseen issues, which a professional could have easily avoided by using their expertise, skills, and knowledge in the field. Not to mention the huge benefits that come with a professional’s supplier contacts and trade prices. Contrary to what you might think, investing in an interior design professional really does save you money!

2. Set a realistic time-frame

When renovating it’s so easy to underestimate the time different parts of the project will take, and added to that are the unforeseen delays that can hold up progress in different areas. Because an interior design professional has the experience gained through many renovations we know where delays are commonly caused and we also know ways to work around those delays. We can give you a realistic expectation of how long the whole renovation project will take and how you can plan for the steps along the way that may require your action (eg. moving off site for a period of time).

3. An interior designer has the ideas!

You’re done the thinking about styles, finishes and colours, and you’ve put together an amazing mood board, but when it comes time to put all that into practice are you absolutely certain that you’re confident in putting it all together? This is where the partnering up with someone who has done this a lot more times than you have is a top-notch investment! Getting an interior design professional involved from the planning stage can give you access to ideas that you can incorporate into your own to get to a result that will maximise space, functionality, liveability and of course keep your personal style.

4. Efficiency!


A professional interior designer has the experience to communicate with your trades and to keep a watchful eye on the progress with your end vision always at the forefront. A renovation is always going to be stressful, and don’t let anyone try and convince to otherwise! But, if you can have someone to oversee the finer details and keep your project manager on her (or his!) toes, why wouldn’t you? After all that end vision is what you’re aiming for and having an interior design professional involved who understands your vision from the outset gives you the upper hand.

5. Adding value to your home!

This is a big one because seriously if you’re going to spend lots of dollars (or even a little) you really do want to ensure that you’re getting more bang for your buck by increasing and maximising the overall value, don’t you?! Interior design professionals have quite a few tricks up our sleeves to bring more functionality and eye-catching style to your home which in turn adds $ signs to the market value.

How are you feeling about your reno project? Nervous? Excited? It’s pretty normal to feel both of those emotions and I hear the same from all of my clients when I meet them … but the end result makes it all worthwhile! The final step in getting your reno project started is to … start!

And starting is as easy as getting in touch with me, booking a FREE online consultation to discuss your plans and to showing me your mood board (I’m always excited to see a mood board!).

We’ll run through the details and look at how we can make it all come together. I really can’t wait to see what you’ve got planned!

As a side to the whole renovation excitement, I want you to know that during this period of isolation and physical distancing I am still very much at work and ready to consult with you about your plans! The only difference is that we’ll be consulting virtually through Zoom … you’ll still be able to show me your plans and your mood boards and of course we’ll be able to talk through what you want to achieve and discuss how we can make that happen. Please drop me an email or click below and we’ll tee up a time to chat!

Melissa Lunardon